Sunday, February 1, 2009

Roman History -8

In 312 AD, Constantine, proclaimed ruler by Britain, defeated Maxentius to become the absolute ruler of Rome.
He was a very religious Christian and converted Rome into a Christian society. Constantine tried to counter alien attacks by creating more mobile forces, which could respond quickly, but lack of manpower made the idea unworkable.
Constantine's biggest contribution to Rome was the founding of the new capitol of Rome, Constantinople.
Constantine was baptized shortly before he died in 337 AD.
From 378 AD on the divided Rome was slowly killed by various attackers. In 363 AD, Persians captured Mesopotamia.
Goths ravaged Rome in 410. Vandals infiltrated Gaul and Spain. In 476 AD, Romulus Augustus was deposed and west Rome dies.
The great wealth of east Rome maintained the government and it lived until 1453 AD.