Sunday, February 1, 2009

Roman History-2

The Tiber River is vital for the trade of central Italy. It is controlled easily by an island it surrounds approximately fifteen miles from its mouth.
Occupation of this Tiber island is dependent on the control of seven hills along the bank of the river.
The Palatine, the most important of all these hills, is the site where Romulus allegedly founded the Roman culture in 753 BC.
At this time, Rome developed a Monarchy.
Some early kings were Priscus, Tullius, and Superbus who constituted the Etruscan dynasty.
Tarquinius Superbus, the last of the dynasty, was overthrown in 509 BC due to his tyranny, Romans dislike of Etruscans, and their restraining of the upper class. The high families of Rome formed an oligarchic republic and ousted the Etruscans.