Sunday, February 1, 2009

Roman History-4

As Rome went into the first Punic War in 264 BC, its power in Italy spanned the whole peninsula as far north as Ariminum.
Rome's motivation for all three of the Punic Wars was to defeat the African city of Carthage and gain Mediterranean dominance.
They built an army of one hundred ships and experienced growing success, as they became masters of naval war.
The Romans won Sicily in 241 BC.
In the Second Punic War (218-201 BC) they defeated General Hannibal of Carthage and in the Third Punic War (149-146 BC) the Romans seized the city of Carthage itself.
Encouraged by these victories, Rome defeated Syria and then Macedonia to gain rule over the western Hellenistic world.
Throughout this time of conquest, there was much progress being made within Rome.
Many structures were built, including the Circus Flaminius in 221 BC, the Basilica Aemilia in 179 BC, and several triumphal arches to commend victories.
Andronicus, the first Roman playwright, was popularized in the 240's BC and the poet Ennius came to Rome in 204 BC.
Greek art and philosophy were introduced and Cato published his history of Rome in 149 BC.