Sunday, February 1, 2009

Roman History-3

Patricians, the high class of Rome, developed a senate and elected two rulers, called consuls, annually.
Commoners living in Rome elected a tribune to protect their rights. Somewhat of a battle for equality took place between the Patricians and the Plebeians lasting from the installment of the republic for nearly two hundred years.
The publishing of the Twelve Tables in 450 BC made the procedures of Roman law known to all and contributed to the equality of the masses.
Rome's potential as a major power increased as Celt and Etruscan invasions were rebuffed in the 390's BC.
Rome had a major success in 396 BC when Veii, an Etruscan city close to Rome, was won after a long battle. It was becoming obvious that Rome was an expansionist power. Many of Rome's Latin allies were angered by Rome's rise to power.
The Latin War, started in 340 BC, proved that Rome was superior as it emerged as the dominant power in Italy.