Sunday, February 1, 2009

Roman History -6

When Augustus died in 14 AD, Tiberius -Augustus' chosen heir- took the throne. He had little success in dealing with the Senate and he withdrew himself from office.
Tiberius' great-nephew Gaius Julius, or Caligula, was next to take the empire which Augustus had created.
Caligula was murdered in 41 AD, and the Praetorian Guard (emperor's bodyguards) forced the Senate to accept another emperor, Claudius.
Claudius did much to solidify the office of emperor and won victories in Britain in 43 AD.
Claudius' wife Agrippina likely poisoned him to get her son Nero into the throne. Once emperor, Nero had his mother killed, persecuted Christians, and possibly arranged the burning of Rome which occurred in 64 AD.
He built a great palace in the center of Rome's rubble with a giant stature of himself inside.
When Gaul and Spain revolted, Nero committed suicide ending the Augustus reign and Sulpicius Galba, governor of Spain, took office.